British Simuliid Group Newsletter and Bulletin
Download the Newsletter or Bulletin or read the Index
The British Simuliid Group Bulletin is an informal publication intended to disseminate information about the Simuliidae. It is published in the winter and summereach year and is distributed free to all members of the British Simuliid Group. (The Group was originally formed by scientists in the British Isles, hence the name, but now has a world-wide membership).
ItThe Bulletin replaced the Newsletter which was issued from 1979 to 1987 under the editorship of Trefor Williams. The 13 issues and an index can be downloaded as a single pdf file from the Bulletin page.
The Bulletin is issued in numerous simultaneously available identical copies and satisfies the criteria for formal publication and permanent scientific record. ISSN: 136 333 76
Content includes papers presented at the Group's Annual Meeting, which is usually held in September, short research notes, notices and accounts of meetings, and articles of anecdotal or general interest that would not normally be found in international journals. Geographical cover is world-wide, and is not restricted to the British Isles.
Reports of research carried out by graduates, young scientists and newcomers to the subject are particularly encouraged. It is an ideal medium for offering new ideas and stimulating discussion because of the very short interval between acceptance and publication.
The Bulletin's editor is John B.
Davies, 57 North Parade, Hoylake, Wirral, CH47 3AL, UK.
Download any Bulletin or read the Index
Notes for Contributors
To avoid copy-typing, the editor (address above) would prefer to receive contributions on disc or e-mail, or typerwitten. Details as follows:-
1. Via conventional mail on IBM PC formatted 720Kb or 1.4Mb 3.5 inch diskettes, as unmodified word processor files (most common DOS or Windows word processor formats are acceptable) or as RTF, ASCII or DOS text files (We usually have to change pagination and heading format, anyway). Mark the disc with the format, word processor name and file name(s). Complicated tables and figures can be accepted as separate graphics files (not OLE embedded, please!) but we may ask for a hard copy as a check that all detail has been retained. Remember that figures should have legends and small detail drawn large enough to be visible when reduced to 100mm by 70mm. Diskettes will be returned on request.
2. By electronic mail via the Internet. Send your file as an .doc, .docx or.RTF document or as an ASCII file (also known as DOS File), and e-mail it either as part of the message or preferably as an attachment, to:
If neither of the above methods are available, then post to me camera ready copy on A4 paper (210x297 mm), single spaced, ready for photographic reduction or scanning. Heading styles as in the Bulletin.
Format for References is flexible. Please refer to the Bulletin for the form appropriate to your article. Scientific Communications should quote the full title and journal name, but Notes and Abstracts may optionally omit titles and show only the abbreviated journal name.