Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae)
Go to Past Meetings and Events
Coming Events
6th International Simuliidae Symposium
Torino, Italy. 16-19 September 2014
Let us remind you of the approaching "6th International Simuliidae Symposium" that will be held in Torino, Italy, on 16th - 19th September 2014 and will embrace all areas of black fly research. The registration fee is 150 € for tenured participants and 110 € for students. The venue of the meeting will be the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences and the city is directly served by the airport of Torino-Caselle or can be reached with a two hour bus journey from Milano-Malpensa.
The symposium organizers will soon send some accommodation suggestions and more details to the Simuliidologist Mailing List at
North American Black Fly Association (NABFA) 13th Annual Meeting
Chair: John Walz; Vice Chair: Elmer Gray
The thirteenth annual NABFA meeting is scheduled for Feb 19-20, 2015. The Georgia Center for Continuing Education on the University of Georgia campus in Athens, Georgia will be the host facility.
As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
John P. Walz Office: 651-643-8388 Email: |
Elmer W. Gray Laboratory (706) 542-1184 Email: |
5th International Simuliidae Symposium
Will be held between 3rd and 7th September 2012 at the Comenius University
(Faculty of Natural Sciences), Bratislava, Slovakia..
The 3rd. September will be for registration and an evening welcome reception.
On 4, 6 and 7 September there will be lectures and on 5th September a whole
day field excursion.
Further information and registration forms can be found at
Matus Kudela
Department of Zoology, Comenius University
Mlynska dolina
SK-84215 Bratislava
tel. ++421-2-60296252 email:
The Tenth Annual Meeting of the North American Black Fly
Association (NABFA)
Archbold Biological Station, Lake Placid, Florida US,
February 8, 9, 10, 2012 Chair: John P.
Vice Chair: Elmer
October 12-15, 2010 in Antalya, Turkey
Hotel Sun Zeynep in Belek
30th Meeting of the British Simuliid Group - 18th September 2009
Simuliidologists are invited to register interest in attending the 30th meeting of the British Simuliid Group is being organised by the Natural History Museum, and it is hoped to hold it in the newly built entomology building (called Darwin Centre II) on Friday 18th September 10:00-16:00. There will be no charge for attending the meeting, although there will be a small charge for lunch (which will be provided in the Museum). On the evening of Thursday 17th there will be an informal a la carte meal in a nearby restaurant for anybody (partners/spouses/etc are welcome) who wants to come.
People who might want to attend are asked to register their interest by writing to:
Rory Post
Department of Entomology
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD
+44 (0)207 942 5593
The format will be the same as usual, a series of talks and posters. Please contact Rory Post with offers of presentations. Length of talks is flexible, and the presenter should say how long he/she wants up to a maximum of 30 minutes (including discussion).
3rd European Simuliidae Symposium 2008.
The Symposium will be held in Lithuania in the capitalVilnius in September 2008.
at the Academy of Sciences of Lithuania ,(Gediminas ave. 3,)Vilnius
9-12 September 2008.
The meeting will embrace all areas of black fly research.
The official language of the
Symposium is English.
More general information at: and
contact: Rasa Bernotiene - e-mail: rasa dot bernotiene at biopolis dot lt
Organising Committee of the Symposium
British Simuliid Group
Annual Meeting
Wednesday 12 September
Oxford University Museum of Natural History
2nd International Simuliidae Symposium
3rd- 6th of September 2006
Novi Sad, Serbia and
Aleksandra Ignjatovic Cupina
cupinas @ polj . ns . ac . yu (
to use this address remove all the spaces which have been
inserted as a protection against spam)
The 3rd Annual North American Black Fly Association
will be held February 5-7, 2005, at the Archbold
Biological Station in Lake Placid, FL.
For details: Click
International Congress
of Entomology
Brisbane, Australia
15-21 August, 2004
Simuliidae Symposium
Dr. Douglas A. Craig,
Professor Emeritus, Department of Biological Science, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA T6G 2E9
d dot craig at UALBERTA dot CA
(Joint 5th European Simuliidae-Symposium and 26th British
Simuliid Group (BSG) meeting)
15 to 18 September 2004.
Doreen Werner h0662cer at rz dot hu-berlin dot de
John Davies daviesjb at liv dot ac dot uk
John McCreadie, University of South Alabama, Department of Biological Sciences
Life Sciences Building, Rm 124, Mobile, AL 36688, Email: jmccread at jaguar1 dot usouthal dot ed